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Trigger disrupter with clock, trigger deflect, skip, burst generator and bernoulli gate.


This module is useful for adding controlled unpredictability to any source of triggers.

Use the built in clock as a starting point, or feed it external events.

Set the various disrupting parameters, then use the main disruption knob to dial in the wonkiness.

Plenty of CV inputs to keep everything interesting.

Features and controls

CLOCK SPEED: Sets the rate of the internal clock.

RUN/STOP: Starts and stops the internal clock.

EXT CLK: Input for any source of triggers or gates.

DISRUPTION: Master control of the probablity of Deflect, Skip or Burst (see below) occurring.

CLOCK DEFLECT: Sets the amount of time by which a trigger is temporally shifted. Turn up this knob to set the maximum amount that the trigger is randomly displaced. The module monitors the trigger inputs and extrapolates a tempo which it can then use to predict when the next trigger might fall. This allows the triggers to be deflected forwards or backwards from where they would've otherwise occurred.

CLOCK SKIP: Sets the probability of a trigger being skipped, i.e. not passed through to the outputs.

BURST LENGTH: Sets the amount of times a trigger is repeated (from 1 to 8), for ratcheting effects.

AB CHANCE: Sets the probability of a trigger being sent to Output A or Output B. Press and hold RUN/STOP when powering up the module to change the outputs from A and B to gates instead of triggers.

ALL OUT: Main output for processed triggers.

There are also 5 CV inputs. When these are connected the knobs function as attenuators.

The two LEDs show the status of the triggers entering and leaving the module.

Technical details

Width: 8HP

Depth: 34mm behind 2mm thick panel

Current @ +12V: 47mA

Current @ -12V: 0mA

Output level: 8V

Trigger time: 5ms


Cost of one module is GBP £180 plus a flat rate of £20 shipping worldwide. No extra shipping if you buy multiple modules in the same transaction.

Shipping is fully tracked and will require a signature.

All packages are shipped with a total insurance value of £250 unless a higher value is specifically requested before placing the order.



Quad version: details here, buy here.

Features identical to four no. Turmoil modules, with the addition of toggle switches to chain the clocks of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th sections to the 1st.

The future

The Nervous Squirrel 5U modular started back in 2008, and contains some unique module designs that are currently being converted to Eurorack. It is hoped that 5U and Buchla 4U formats will also follow.

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